Monday 15 July 2013

Week 37 of 52 - The Great Gatsby (1920's)

                     "Bright young things" 
- What people called the young, rich adults in the 1920's or

"The Flappers"
Because of the funny way they danced to the music at parties


I know, I've missed TWO WEEKS -That is why I will try and be posting another two posts this week, it's been a busy holiday so I didn't have the time and energy to Self Captures..
This was so fun to do! I've always LOVED this era, everything about the 1920's is just so glamorous, fun, quirky and just simply amazing. I tried to make the pictures look old fashioned, like from that time. I actually havn't seen The Great Gatsby movie yet, I reallllllllllyyyy want to, but I have heard the songs from the movie which I instantly fell inlove with! Both these songs are magical, I'm actually doing a dance to 'A little party never killed nobody' for my dance class, so much fuuuun
-Thanks Edes darling for the great help xo

Feeling like a quick laugh? Check out a vid my friend and I made about how to be a professional longboarders haha

Have a lovely evening all XO

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