Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Week 23 of 52 - Cleopatra

Upon the dais rested a great throne fashioned entirely of shimmering electrum - and on the throne sat a women so coldly beautiful that it took away the breath to gaze on her. She sat stiffly, her glittering dark eyes fixed, her hands holding emblems shining with gold and enamel. Fluted linen , fine as cobwebs enveloped her like mist; she was weighted with jewels.

-Eloise Jarvis McGraw


Yes, this song seems like it has nothing to do with Cleopatra, but it actually does, well to me it does. Lily Allen reminds me of her some how, or she looks and acts like I think Cleopatra did. Lily even has Cleo's hair style, attitude, and look, especially in this strange music video. Lily is rather wild and has her own very extravagant style. Just like I think Cleopatra was like!
- A BIG thanks to Eden dear! Thank you darling sister, you helped me alot  . . .
And thanks to Debi and Jazz Hawkins, for the charming necklace!
Hope you all enjoyed this xox

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Week 22 of 52 - The 1990's Look

The 1990's look -
('Wet Hair' look)

 -The 1990's Teen Look
( 'Spice Girl' look)

- Remember this song?! For all you 90's kids you might just remember these styles and songs. To be honest the 90's is defiantly not my favorite decade, but it was a fun, colorful, sparkly and short memorable few years! Which I will always remember since I was born then, even though I was young I remember this weird style! Yes I've done two pictures, I just really wanted to do both, so I did. Since I created Self Capture I can do whatever I want to do with it haha -I hope you like this flash-back-in-time xox

Thanks to Joy King for the wonderful help!

I have a page on facebook where you can see pictures from behind the scenes of Self Capture and maybe even some other second bests, be sure to like it -->  (copy the link and paste in the search to find page)

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Week 21 of 52 - Dramatic


I dream'd that I walk'd in Italy
When the day was going down,
By a water that silently wander'd by
Thro' an old dim-lighted town,

Till I came to palace fair to see.
Wide open the windows were
My love at the window sat; and she
Beckon'd me up the stair...

When I came to the little rose-color'd room,
From the curtains out flew a bat.
The window was open; and in the gloom 
My love at the window sat.

She sat with a guitar on her knee,
But she was not singing a note,
For someone had drawn, (ah who could it be?)
A knife across her throat.

-Owen Meredith

~ * ~

Wow. What a bunch of weird-ness, eh? Yeah. I was in a random mood . . 
This doesn't really have a theme, I just put up the things that caught my attention or what I felt drawn to. The poem, yes very dramatic, but strangely enough its been one of my favorites since I was quite young. The picture . . .Ummm I don't know what I'm meant to be, its really an arty one, I went mad with the make-up - The song. I was searching for a song to go with my odd collection this week and I found this one, which is now one of my favorites, its so sweet and sad . . . And I love Snow Patrol!
Anyways I hope you like my little bunch of,  joy? xoxo

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Week 20 of 52 - 50's Baby!

                 "Do you suppose television will ever reach our part of the country?"

-Quote from the 1950's

 This was so much fun! Although so hard to chose which picture to use -got alot of nice ones, will be putting some others on my page (Rachel King Photography). 

A big thanks from Roger the Dodger for letting me use his lovely car! And to Abi VDH for graciously letting me use her gorgeous gloves and scarf. And last but not least, Edes thanks for helping me so much! Couldn't have done it without you! Oh and of course Jazz Hawkins, you're a star! Gosh I have such beautiful friends...

- Here is the song for this week, 'Lollipop' by The Chordettes, a charming 50's girl band. This song has a habit of getting stuck in your head....